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PERCLUTION ENTERPRISE Unisex Green Facial Massage Jade Roller

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: Rollers
: Regular


PERCLUTION ENTERPRISE Unisex Green Facial Massage Jade Roller

How To Use

1. Before you begin rolling, make sure your skin is clean and apply a little bit of facial oil or a hydrating serum of your choice2. Start at the base of your neck and roll upwards, working against gravity3 Then, with the small end of your roller work your way downward from behind the ear lobe towards the neck.4.Continue with the roller, gradually roll above and below the collarbone avoiding the bone surface5. Then, from the middle of your chin make broad strokes with the big roller out towards your ear, where your lymph drains from your face6. Gradually move up your face, over your lips, under your nose and from the bridge of your nose out to your ear using the small end of the roller to massage the under eyes and eyebrows7. when you get to your forehead, use the large end of the facial roller to roll from your eyebrows up to your hairlines8. finish by rolling from the middle of the forehead out towards the temple.